By Scott Eyre (Photographer) & Hannah Hodge (Fiance, Studying to become a Pastor)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Kite surfer

kite surfer
kite surfer
kite surfer

These are the best photos from a set of about 500 shots, most are 2-3 seconds apart, I forgot my downloader so I had to change to JPG instead of raw when I realised my first card was already full.

I only have 2x 1Gig cards, Im looking at getting a 4 gig CF card sometime soon.

The kite surfer was very helpful in getting these shots... I didnt know him before but he would come and jump right in front of me and get real close.

All the others were too far out and barely filled the frame. Thanks mate

I hope you like the photos, please comment


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