By Scott Eyre (Photographer) & Hannah Hodge (Fiance, Studying to become a Pastor)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Rolleiflex Mini Digital Camera *** I want one ***

First of all, These photos are not mine, I would like to acknowledge the sources for the images first of all

and those are

& Urban Outfitters , check them out...after reading this of coarse lol

These little beauties are called the
Rolleiflex MiniDigi AF5.0, it is essentially a mini Rolleiflex Digital camera, boasting a 5MP Sensor with a 4.9mm F2.8 lens weighing only 100 Grams!!

It comes in two colours, Black or the red one shown here...

What I like about this camera is the traditional waist level viewfinder, although it is digital, it still looks cool and professional.

This is a pretty awesome gadget for any photographer, it would make a perfect gift for the guy who has everything!! or if anyone wants to gift it to me ,,,, feel free to do so lol.

Rolleiflex & Urban Outfitters


robertrory said...

This is a way cool take of photography...Great job. Absolutely fantastic.

Laura Ka said...

haha i love it!

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