By Scott Eyre (Photographer) & Hannah Hodge (Fiance, Studying to become a Pastor)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Live music in downtown Auckland

My Fiancee and I had the privilege of getting to film some street performers in downtown Auckland this last Friday night.

They go by the name of 'Stainless Heart and have a unique style to their sound. I loved the music they played as it was rather chilled and had a good grove going on, it was more of a jam session to listen to... chillaxed.....

The guitarist had a smooth flare to his style and the drummer was very resourceful with what she had.

We only stayed for around half an hour but we really enjoyed ourselves and it made our night.

Keep it up guys, awesome music !!

here are some details of the band...

scott Eyre, video, stanless heart, stainles heart, scotts video, auckland, new zealand, busking, queens street, queen street, guitar,amplifier,
music , busking, auckland , downtown ,night, fun , band , rock , rock and roll , new zealand, drum , amp, amplifier , guitar , stainless heart , stainless heart, electric guitar